Culture and Child Development
Miller, J.G., Engelbrecht, J., Wang, Z., & Tsudaka, G. (2020). Process-based and ethnographically sensitive approaches to culture in developmental psychology, Applied Developmental Science.
Wice, M., Karasawa, M., Matsui, T., & Miller, J. G. (2020). Knowing minds: Culture and perceptions of mental state access. Asian Journal of Social Psychology.
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Goyal, N., Wice, M., Aladro, A., Källberg-Shroff, M. & Miller, J.G. (2019). Culture and the development of views of agency: Perspectives from storybooks, parents, and children. Developmental Psychology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/dev0000671. pdf
Miller, J.G., Wice, M. & Goyal, N. (2019). Culture, parenting practices and moral development. In D. Laible, L.M. Padilla-Walker & G. Carlo (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of parenting and moral development, Oxford University Press. pdf
Wice, M., Matsui, T., Tsudaka, G., Karasawa, M. & Miller, J.G. (2019). Verbal display rule knowledge: A cultural and developmental perspective. Cognitive Development. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2019.100801. pdf
Miller, J. G., Wice, M., & Goyal, N. (2018). Contributions and challenges of cultural research on the development of social cognition. Developmental Review. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dr.2018.03.003. pdf
Kallberg-Shroff, M. & Miller, J.G. & (2014). Culture and the development of theory of mind. In O. Saracho (Ed.). Contemporary perspectives on research in theory of ind in early childhood education. pdf
Moral Reasoning
Miller J.G. & Källberg-Shroff, M. (In press). Culture and the development of moralities of community. In L. Jensen (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Moral Development: An interdisciplinary perspective. Oxford University Press.
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Goyal, N.,Wice, M. & Miller, J. (2017). Ethical issues in cultural research on human development. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.) Handbook of research methods in health social sciences. Springer. pdf
Miller, J. G., Goyal, N., & Wice, M. (2015). Ethical considerations in research on human development and culture. In L. A. Jensen (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of human development and culture: An interdisciplinary perspective. Oxford University Press. pdf
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Motivation and Social Support
Goyal, N., Adams, M., Cyr, T. G., Maass, A., & Miller, J. G. (2019). Norm-based spontaneous categorization: Cultural norms shape meaning and memory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pspi0000188. pdf
Miller, J.G., Wice, M. & Goyal, N. (2019). Cultural psychology of moral development . In S. Kitayama & D. Cohen (Eds.), Handbook of cultural psychology (2nd Edition). Guilford Press. pdf
Goyal, N. & Miller, J. (2018). The importance of timing in reciprocity: An investigation of reciprocity norms among Indians and Americans. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022022117746239. pdf
Miller, J.G., Goyal, N. & Wice, M. (2017). A cultural psychology of agency: Morality, motivation and reciprocity. Perspectives on Psychological Science. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1745691617706099. pdf
Miller, J. G., Akiyama, H., & Kapadia, S. (2017). Cultural variation in communal versus exchange norms: Implications for social support. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pspi0000091. pdf
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Miller, J. G., Bland, C., Kallberg-Shroff, M, Tseng, C-Yi, Montes-George, J., Ryan, K., Das, R. & Chakravarthy, S. (2014). Culture and the role of exchange vs. communal norms in friendship. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2014.02.006. pdf
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Miller, J.G. & Bland, C. (2014). A cultural psychology perspective on moral development. In M. Killen & J. Smetana (Eds.), Handbook of moral development, 2nd Edition. Lawrence Erlbaum Press. pdf
Theory in Cultural Psychology
Miller, J.G. (2017). Beyond universal taxonomic frameworks in cultural social psychology. In J. Cassanti & U. Menon (Eds.), Universalism without uniformity: Explorations in mind and Culture, University of Chicago Press. pdf
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